- Wrote and placed hundreds of news releases, feature articles, letters to the editor, public service announcements and white papers on behalf of clients. Placements include USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Inc., The Today Show, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Kansas City Star, St. Louis Business-Journal, Kansas City Business Journal
- Oversee significant projects, from concept to editing, layout, and design to proofreading and marketing
- Outstanding research and project management skills
- Research, writing, and editorial talents for public relations tactical elements
- Comprehensive knowledge of Associated Press and MLA Styles
- Thorough understanding of copyright principles and trademark/service mark protection
- Ensure content delivers the publication message and objectives on time and on-budget
- Serve as editor for 5+ issues of the Distribution Solutions Guide (Circulation 15,000+)
- Responsible for producing entertaining, informative, and newsworthy content

Distribution Solutions Guide
Challenge: Provide as needed editorial support including developmental and copy editing of their internal online and printed documentation. Edit and produce five editions of an 80 page Software Selection Handbook and three Manufacturing Software Guides with a circulation of more than 15,000.
Result: The Software Selection Handbook continues to serve as the go-to resource for ERP software packages.

Feature and Editorial Writing – Y2K Commentary, “The Sky Is Not Falling” | Silver Quill Award of Excellence
Challenge: Provide as needed editorial support including developmental and copy editing of their internal online and printed documentation. Edit and produce five editions of an 80 page Software Selection Handbook and three Manufacturing Software Guides with a circulation of more than 15,000.
Result: Missouri rolled into the New Year without Y2K problems – success!

“We Card Commentary” National Coalition for Responsible Tobacco Retailing | Bronze Quill Award of Merit – Writing
Challenge: To successfully position a little known, but critical, training and education initiative as a leading, highly visible, pro-active, statewide program.
Result: Both print and broadcast placements were achieved throughout the state, creating more than 4,077,100 impression in a state of 6 million people. We estimate we reached about two-thirds of the state of Missouri once, or about one-third of the population twice, with a very credible “We Card” message.

Catholic Fraternal Life “Pre-Planning Brochure” | Bronze Quill Award of Merit – Writing – Sales Promotion and Marketing
Challenge: Develop marketing collateral to encourage CFL members to take advantage of funeral pre-planning options.
Result: CFL utilized the collateral with the suite of pieces we developed to use as a leave-behind and in sales situations.

Good Government for Better Belleville “Bellville Free Press Newsletter” | Mercury Awards Gold Winner
Challenge: Create a source to highlight “the good news” accomplished by a local government and its citizens.
Results: Belleville’s Free Press is recognized by voters and delivers the news of Good Government For A Better Belleville.

Park City Activities Guide | Park Record Guest Writer
Challenge: Compile a weekly column of upcoming events to entice locals and visitors alike to participate in various activities throughout the ski season.
Results: Developed 12+ bylined columns throughout the internship experience.