Publication Critiques Pandemic Style
Topics: Visual Communication, Critique
Audience: College Students
Goal: The Vis Comm 2 students spent the semester developing a 16—24-page magazine then the pandemic hit. This videoconference allowed them to meet to review the work in progress for critiques in small groups. The peer review was the final critique before the final, completed publication was submitted for a final grade.
The students will utilize the TAG critique method as they review the publications.
- T — Tell the designer something you like.
- A — Ask the designer a question.
- G — Give the designer a suggestion.
Reflection: The video conference was an opportunity for collaboration. The students seemed to appreciate the opportunity to peer review with one another using the video conferencing capabilities. The breakout room peer review allowed the process to be more personal and forced my sometimes less vocal or introverted students to share their observations. Sharing the design process helps the students learn how to give and receive criticism.
“Polished! Engaging! Effective! Your approach is highly organized and comprehensive.”
R. Carr, Instructor
Lesson Overview
Assignment Instructions
For your video conference:
- You will submit a link to your video conference for review. The finished length of your video conference should be 15-45 minutes. It must be conducted with Skype or Zoom and recorded (both video and audio).
- An exceptional videoconference will integrate technology features like screen sharing, instant messaging, and file sharing.
- Make sure your plan is complete with all pertinent details of the video conference, including accurate contact information for all the participants.
- The plan must include clearly stated objectives. In other words, describe what you hope to accomplish due to this video conference. Think of it as a lesson and be sure to tell what the participants will learn/gain from the videoconference.
- The video conference can be conducted with one or more participants. Participants can be a class of students, a fellow student in this class, a friend, a colleague … anyone of any age.
Lesson Objectives
- The students will use the TAG critique method to review at least two peer publications on the day of the video conference.
- The moderator/instructor will use breakout rooms to allow for intimate, small group discussions further to develop rapport and critique honesty with fellow student designers. The moderator/instructor will quietly observe the critique process and offer insight as prompted.
- The students will spend 5-15 minutes per publication, offering at least one positive observation and one improvement element per page.
Evaluation Overview
What did you get from this videoconference?
- “I got multiple perspectives on my work and my project. Now I can take what has been told or given to me and apply it to my work and other future works.”
- “I got a chance to speak in more detail with my classmates and got good advice for my publication.
- “Helpful recommendations that will improve the quality of my publication.”
- “I got critical feedback to polish my publication and make the necessary changes for the project to be successful.”
- “Some great edit comments to make to my publication.”
- “I got some good ideas to continue my publication and touch up some things I already had. It gave me more perspectives than just my own and the grade I received.
What are the advantages of this format?
- “Seeing a person’s screen share and seeing what they see off our devices. It makes it easy to follow along and communicate.”
- “It’s really easy to share your screen and walk through your work as you want; it’s a very effective, quick, and good way to communicate.”
- “This learning style is very efficient.”
- “It is convenient to work from home on projects and allows for easy communication and presentation with screen-sharing features.”
- “Easy for the presenter to have stuff up and ready to show the class.”
- “I think the biggest advantage is that we can look at our peers’ publications on our screens just as if they were our own, and our peers can see it just as we look at it so that it can give a good insight.”
Lesson Design Highlights
Peer Review Video Conference
NOTE: All students appearing in this video did so with signed, written consent.

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